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Research & Data

Out-of-school time (OST) programs play a crucial role in supporting youth development, academic achievement, and overall well-being. Explore the available research and data showcasing the measurable impact of OST programs on students, families, and communities nationwide.

Wallace Foundation

The Wallace Foundation offers extensive research and data on effective practices in afterschool programs, focusing on how they improve youth outcomes, leadership development, and the enrichment of learning opportunities outside the classroom.

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America After 3PM

America After 3PM is a national survey that provides valuable data on afterschool program participation, demand, and the benefits of out-of-school time programs for children and families across the United States.

Kids Count Data Center

The Annie E. Casey Kids Count Data Center provides comprehensive data on child well-being, offering insights into key indicators such as education, health, and economic status to inform policies and programs that support children and families.


The National Summer Learning Association provides research and data that highlight the benefits of high-quality summer programs in addressing learning loss, supporting youth development, and promoting educational equity.

Afterschool Alliance

Afterschool Alliance provides in-depth research and data demonstrating the positive impact of afterschool programs on student achievement, safety, and well-being, while also highlighting the growing demand and need for expanded program access.


The National Afterschool Association offers research and data on best practices, program quality, and the positive outcomes of afterschool programs in fostering student success and community engagement.


The American Institutes for Research (AIR) provides extensive research and data on out-of-school time programs, focusing on their effectiveness in improving educational outcomes, promoting equity, and supporting social-emotional development for youth.

Image by Choong Deng Xiang
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