Afterschool Policy

American Rescue Plan and ESSER Funding 

Afterschool Alliance is a great resource for all things afterschool including developments and recommendations related to the American Rescue Plan and ESSER Funding. Check out some of the great resources below!

Resources from Afterschool Alliance:

American Rescue Plan Fact Sheet 

American Rescue Plan Summary


Evidence-Based Practices for Quality Afterschool & Summer  

Examples of States Using Recovery Funding 

FACT SHEET: The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Will Deliver $350 Billion for State, Local, Territorial, and Tribal Governments to Respond to the COVID-19 Emergency and Bring Back Jobs

Reopening Programs Information  

2021 Summer Programs Toolkit: Tools for reaching parents and hiring staff


Afterschool Alliance has several key policy priorities for the 117th Congress aimed at increasing access to quality afterschool and summer learning programs for all young people with an emphasis on children most in need:

Learn more from Afterschool Alliance!

This year, the most important fight is to ensure funding for 21st Century Community Learning centers in appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2021. Check out Afterschool Alliance’s “take action” page if you are ready to advocate! You can also learn more about bills to watch on the current federal legislation in afterschool.