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What is an Afterschool Network?

Established with the support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Delaware Afterschool Network (DEAN) is one of the 50 national afterschool networks dedicated to informing policy, developing partnerships, and shaping practices to sustain and increase the quality of afterschool programs nationwide.

About the 50 State Afterschool Network

In every state, an afterschool network is broadening opportunities for youth.


The 50 State Afterschool Network is the aggregate of 50 independent networks, sharing the collective impact and innovations in supporting and expanding afterschool and summer learning programs nationwide.

Seeking equitable outcomes for children to succeed in school and future jobs, a statewide afterschool network brings together cross-sector leaders with a shared vision and coordinated strategy to advance quality afterschool and summer learning programs.

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DEAN raises awareness of the impact afterschool, out-of-school, and summer programs have on youth success.


DEAN gathers, analyzes, and shares data to drive improvements in afterschool, out-of-school, and summer practice and policy.


DEAN provides intentional and meaningful bridges between school, community, and family leaders to better support youth learning.


DEAN establishes and strengthens structures, pathways, and principles for high-quality afterschool, out-of-school, and summer programming.

Afterschool in Delaware

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4,142 children in 23 communities participate in a 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) program—serving children living in high-poverty areas and attending low- performing schools (*2023-2024 DOE 21stCCLC report)


87% of parents are satisfied with the opportunities for reading or writing in their child's afterschool program


14,188 children participated in STEM learning opportunities in afterschool programs


For every child in an afterschool program, 4 more would participate if a program were available

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